Parish of Northaw & Cuffley

glorifying God | growing disciples | sharing the good news


Sundays in person at 9am and in person and online at 10:30am.

Open Buildings

St Thomas is usually open during the week.

Mailing List

Join our contact database to keep in touch

Support Us

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10:30am Morning Service

Our 10:30am Sunday morning service is in St Andrew, Cuffley. The service runs for about 45-50 minutes, and there’s always tea, coffee and biscuits afterwards.

Image is a pale blue and cream column of part of a brick wall on a dark blue background. Horizontal text reads 'We believe', vertical text reads 'The Nicene Creed'.

Sunday Services

Our 10:30am Sunday morning service usually takes place simultaneously online and in-person at St Andrew. Please do join us via Facebook or YouTube for our 10:30am service (streaming starts at 10:25am).

Previous services are available online, via Facebook and YouTube (not all services have been uploaded). We also upload the audio from the services to SoundCloud.

Coffee Shop

Every Wednesday from 10:30am, we hold our weekly Coffee Shop in St Andrew’s Church, Cuffley. Why not join us for tea and coffee, cake and biscuits (£2 donation)?

You’d also be very welcome to join us at 10:00am for a short service of Morning Prayer, also in St Andrew’s.


We are using Facebook to stream services.


We are using YouTube to stream services.


Audio recordings of services and sermons via SoundCloud.


You can listen to the most recent Sunday service by calling 01707 927907.