I hope that these prayers are useful, and that you are able to spend a few minutes at 6pm each day, as we pray together as a church family. Please do keep sending your prayer suggestions to me, so that we can make sure we are praying around the needs, burdens and encouragements of our whole church family.
“‘Truly I tell you, wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her.’” (Mark 14:9, NIV)
I hope you’ll join us online at 10:30am for our Sunday morning service, as we hear again about an unnamed woman who poured expensive perfume on Jesus’ head.
Ash Wednesday Service
Our Ash Wednesday service will be online via Facebook (direct link available from 8.55am) and YouTube (direct link) from 9am tomorrow morning. If you can, please have a black marker pen available during the service.
I hope that these prayers are useful, and that you are able to spend a few minutes at 6pm each day, as we pray together as a church family. Please do keep sending your prayer suggestions to me, so that we can make sure we are praying around the needs, burdens and encouragements of our whole church family.
“As Jesus was leaving the temple, one of his disciples said to him, ‘Look, Teacher! What massive stones! What magnificent buildings!’
‘Do you see all these great buildings?’ replied Jesus. ‘Not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.’” (Mark 13:1-2, NIV)
There are some things that we think will last forever. As the disciples looked at the huge stones of the temple, they must have been impressed by the workmanship and the permanence of this incredible building. Jesus looked further ahead, to a time when the stones would be scattered on the ground. He knew that there would be a time of distress coming for the temple. He also knew that Christians would suffer as well, just for following him.
I hope you’ll join us online at 10:30am for our Sunday morning service, as we look together at how Jesus’ warning of difficulty should help us as we look to the future.