The next day, when they came down from the mountain, a large crowd met him. (Luke 9:37, NIV)
Jesus, Peter, James, and John have been up a mountain together. When they were there, they saw a glimpse of Jesus' glory. Then they come down from the mountain, and the crowd is already there, waiting for Jesus. What will it be like for them, having seen this glory. Will anything have changed for them? Why not join us this Sunday to find out more.
You would be very welcome at our 10:30am service in St Andrew, Cuffley or at 9am for a service of Holy Communion in St Thomas, Northaw, this Sunday.
The 10:30am Sunday morning service will also be streamed. This will start at 10:25am, and can be accessed directly via YouTube or Facebook, found on our website, and is advertised on our YouTube channel and Facebook page.
If you encounter problems with viewing the service via Facebook (or YouTube) please follow the link for YouTube (or Facebook) instead.
Children’s Church
Our children’s church meets this Sunday morning in the Undercroft (underneath the main building). Children are welcome from 10:20, and will join us in the main part of the building at the end of the service.
10:30 Services
From 30th March (Mothering Sunday), our 10:30 services will take place in St Thomas, Northaw.
Heating work at St Andrew’s
The work for the heating in St Andrew’s is starting on Monday 24th March. From that date, all our services will need to be in St Thomas. We’ll publicise all the changes and updates as soon as we are able to. The work plan allows work to go on until 1st August, but we are hopeful that it won't take that long.
If you are able to help clear the church or make drinks at 3pm on Sunday 23rd March, you would be most welcome.
A new organ for St Andrew’s
We have been offered a pipe organ to replace the non-working electronic one. The cost for this is £5,000, if you might be able to donate towards this, please be in touch with Chris, the vicar.
60 Years of St Andrew’s
The current St Andrew’s building was consecrated on 30th November, 1965. To mark and celebrate 60 years of the building, we are planning a range of events during the year, culminating in a service on 30th November 2025. Upcoming events:
- Saturday 15 March: Family Quiz Night
Family Quiz Night
Our family quiz night is on Saturday 15th March. The quiz is in tables of 8, and tickets cost £10 - refreshments are included. If there are any still available, tickets/tables can be booked at the back of St Andrew’s.
Bible Reading Resources
There are a lot of resources available online to help with Bible reading. A few of them are here, in case they are helpful for you.
Home Communion
If you’re not able to join us on Sundays, and would appreciate a visit with Holy Communion, please be in touch with Chris.
We’re currently using self-signup for the various rotas: blank rotas will be pinned up at the back of St Andrew. If you are one of our regular welcomers, readers, pray-ers, communion assistants, or refreshment helpers, please do sign up where you are able to.
Rotas for services in March and April are now available. Readings, etc., are in the folder underneath the board with the rotas on.
If you don’t already help, and this would be something you would like to do, please talk to Chris.
Wednesday Morning prayer
You would be very welcome to join us for a short service of Morning Prayer in St Andrew at 10:00am on Wednesday morning.
From 26th March, our Wednesday Morning Prayer will be at 10am in Cuffley Hall.
Coffee Shop
Our weekly Coffee Shop will be taking place this Wednesday from 10:30 in St Andrew, Cuffley, you are very welcome to join us.
From 26th March, the Wednesday Coffee Shop will take place in Cuffley Hall.