A Brief Report on the PCC meeting held 14th March 2022.
It was not any particular enthusiasm for items on the agenda or the need to get away from Kath suffering from a nasty cold that saw me arrive in St Andrews 25 minutes early for the PCC. I put it down to my lack of planning.
But determined not to put the time to waste, I made a large jug of coffee which seemed to be appreciated on their arrival by my fellow PCC members. I suppose they will now expect the same treatment at the next meeting. Watch this space.
All settled in, our Vicar opened the meeting with a reading from Philippians and a short prayer. He went on to thank the PCC and general congregation for their support following the recent loss of Anna’s mother.
It does seem that with Covid fading slightly into the background the good old common cold (remember those) has once again reared its head and 2 members sent apologies for absence due to colds.
The PCC received a report from our Safeguarding Officer, Anne Stokes, who informed us that some of our current training was out of date and hoped that once a new Safeguarding Office was in post this problem could be addressed.
The Church does have a role in the safeguarding of those in the Church congregation and generally within the parish, and we should do all we can to keep ourselves up to date with requirements.
If you feel you could fill a role as our Safeguarding Officer, which mainly involves keeping track of training undertaken, please see the Vicar.
In the same way it had been was noted by the Finance Committee that a Treasurer was urgently needed. It was pointed out that this role was now a very different one from previous years as most of the day to day work was carried out by our paid assistant. Volunteers please.
Moving on through the agenda the Vicar thanked our Social Committee for their work on the recent Lecture evening and their adaptability in being able to swiftly move the refreshments from the end of the evening to the beginning. A vote of thanks to the Committee was proposed and agreed.
In discussion it was stated that whilst the cost of the food provided had been covered by the donations, other costs had not been covered.
A Stokes informed the PCC that she was aware that the Deanery Synod was making available grants to new projects, and the Vicar agreed to investigate if this could cover the Lecture and apply if possible.
Kay Keys outlined the Social Committees plans for future events and this included a tea party for the Queen’s Jubilee to be held in the Undercroft on Saturday 11th June.
Sadly it has seemed that the majority of PCC time has been taken up in recent months discussing the poor state of our buildings and this meeting proved to be no different.
On the bright side Doreen Sheekey reported that work had been carried out to the two boilers in St Thomas and two new controllers had been fitted. It was noted that there was currently only one boiler working as the 2nd had a broken fan. An estimate for the repair is awaited. Doreen went on to inform the PCC that despite a search in St T’s no manual for the existing boilers could be found, and she would have to investigate the possibility of downloading a manual.
If you know of it’s whereabouts please call Doreen.
Anne Stokes informed the PCC that at a recent Fabric Committee Liz Johnson had stated her concern that none of the money available for the repairs to the murals in St Thomas had been spent. The reasons for the lack of spending had been explained, as the PCC was concerned at the overall condition of the whole building and that there was a very real danger that until a great deal of money was spent making the building secure it would be money wasted. It was hoped that Liz would report these very real concerns back to the FOST committee.
Whilst on the matter of St Thomas, the PCC was asked to note that the cost of heating the Church for an 8.30 a.m. Sunday morning service was in the region £100. Quite how long this level of expenditure should be maintained for an average attendance of 5, remains to be seen.
Doreen moved on to St Andrews and reported that water was leaking into the Undercroft from the walkway above, and there was general concern at the effect this could have on our income from the rental of the Undercroft. The PCC agreed that this should be considered as a matter of urgency and Doreen was asked to investigate the cost of renewing the covering of the walkway.
The Vicar went on to outline a discussion that had taken at the Fabric Committee which had recommended to the PCC reguarding work to update the electrical system in the Church. The estimated cost was £30 k, and further work to insulate the Church walls prior to the installation of a new heating system was estimated at £50 k. A resolution to approve both proposals was moved and agreed unanimously.
Perhaps this is a sign that we have at last turned the corner in respect of the heating in St Andrews and started to make progress towards a new heating system.
Continuing in the vein of better news and progress, the Vicar reported that the Faculty for the new sound system had now been received, and explained that the problem experienced with the system on the previous Sunday had now been resolved. This was indeed good news as it had been quite difficult to follow prayers overlaid by Radio 4.
He went on to explain that a date for the installation of the full system was awaited and that he hoped that several members of the congregation could be trained in using the system. I have been assured that this will only involve the pressing of a couple of buttons so once again, volunteers please.
The Vicar reported to the PCC on the recent sad death of Joy Allcott who had been a member of the Church and served for many years in the choir. In addition to her work within the Church Joy had served for many years as Parish Clerk and her contributions to the Parish newsletter had been appreciated by everyone who read it.
It as agreed that the APCM would be held on Wednesday 27th April at 7.00 p.m. for a 7.30 start. This would be followed immediately by a PCC to appoint the necessary PCC officers. Date in your diaries please.
The meeting ended at 11.45 with the Grace.
Chris Shingles.
It should be noted that this note contains the opinions, thoughts and comments of the writer which are not necessarily the views of the Vicar, PCC or other individual member of the PCC.