“Jesus then began to speak to them in parables: ‘A man planted a vineyard. He put a wall around it, dug a pit for the winepress and built a watchtower. Then he rented the vineyard to some farmers and moved to another place.’” (Mark 12:1, NIV)
Last Sunday the reading was about Jesus used a figtree to help us think about what it looks like to follow him. This week, we’re looking at a parable about an ideal vineyard, and ungrateful tenants. The story Jesus tells has a warning and a great promise for us. I hope you’ll join us online at 10:30am for our Sunday morning service, as we hear both warning and promise together.
Sunday Services
This Sunday we will be livestreaming the service from St Andrew. This Sunday’s service will start at 10:30am, and can be accessed directly, found on our website, and is advertised on our Facebook page.
Audio Recordings
Because the service is now live, the audio from the 10:30 service will be available (01707 927907) later in the afternoon, once it has been processed. As well as the ‘dial-in’ service, audio recordings of all services are also available through SoundCloud.
Church Family Fellowship
After the Sunday service, we’ll have coffee together via Zoom (details on the website); if you’d like to be part of the meeting, please email me.
Wednesday Prayer @ 10am
We have started a short meeting to pray together each Wednesday morning at 10am. We’re still exploring how it works, but at the moment we meet for about 20 minutes, so that there’s plenty of time to make a drink before the Virtual Coffee Shop.
Wednesday Evening Bible Study
On Wednesday evening at 7:30pm, I’ll be thinking a little bit more about the Bible passage read on Sunday morning. I’d love for you to join me for no longer than 60 minutes as we look at little bit more at God’s Word together. Join via Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/97466572556.
John Stevenson
Gill and family would like to thank everyone for their support and prayers, which have helped them enormously. John’s funeral is planned for the 17th February; more details will be available closer to the date.
Betty Melvill
Betty’s funeral is at 1pm on Thursday 4th February at St Andrew. Current restrictions mean that we can only have 30 people attending the funeral. There are a few spaces available, please be in touch with me if you would like to attend the service in person (chris@norcuff.com).
World Day of Prayer
Although plans have not been finalised, there is likely to be a streamed service online for this year’s World Day of Prayer on 5th March.
Would you like to be part of the St Andrew’s contribution to the service? We are looking for people to do a couple of the readings. At the moment it is unclear as to whether this will be prerecorded or live. If you would be happy to help, either from home (we can help record) or in person at the streamed service, could you let Anna know at anna@kilgour.org.uk or 07773 392048.
Additionally, Anna is now struggling to attend the planning meetings because of having the children at home full time. Would anyone consider being the St Andrews representative at these meetings, just for this year?
Praying at Noon
Please can I encourage you, when possible, to stop at noon and spend a few minutes praying - we may be physically separate, but we can still pray together; we’ll email out possible areas for prayer each week. If you would like to make any suggestions, please email prayers@norcuff.com.
How to join us live
The website has the information on how to join our live services and virtual coffee. Do feel free to share the links to our services with friends and relatives; everyone is very welcome to join us, no matter where they are in the world.