Then Peter began to speak: ‘I now realise how true it is that God does not show favouritism but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right. (Acts 10:34-35)
Who is the most unlikely person to want to hear about Jesus? It is Peter’s turn to share the good news of Jesus, to some more unexpected people. What will happen this time? Is anyone excluded from hearing about Jesus? Does God have favourites?
You would be very welcome at our 10:30am service in St Andrew, Cuffley or at 9am for a service of Holy Communion in St Thomas, Northaw, this Sunday, as we see that God does not show any favouritism.
The 10:30am Sunday morning service will also be streamed. This will start at 10:25am, and can be accessed directly via YouTube or Facebook, found on our website, and is advertised on our Facebook page and YouTube channel.
If you encounter problems with viewing the service via Facebook (or YouTube) please follow the link for YouTube (or Facebook) instead.
Children’s Church
There is no children’s church this Sunday, as we all meet together in the main body of the building.
Annual Meetings
Our Annual Meetings this year are scheduled to take place on Sunday 12 May, after the 10:30 service. At the meetings, we will elect churchwardens and PCC members, as well as hear reports from the previous year.
As part of the preparations for the meetings, the Electoral Roll was revised between the 21st and 24th April 2024.
The official notices for the APM and APCM, minutes, and agenda are available in the churches, and online.
Ascension Day
On 9th May, we will have a short service of Holy Communion to mark Ascension Day, at 9am in St Thomas.
At our Annual Meetings in May, we will elect churchwardens, PCC members and Deanery Synod members. These roles are important to the running of our church.
If you’d like to know more about them, and what they involve (without any commitment), please talk to Chris.
Contactless Donations
We have a contactless donation collection point on loan for the next three months. This will primarily be at the back of St Andrew. This should only be used for donations to the church. Contactless payments for purchases are available, but through a separate device.
Large Print Bibles
We’ve managed to get hold of some very large print Bibles. The text is larger than we use in the printed sheets. We plan to have some of them available for use in church, and some for sale. If these might be helpful for you, please do use them in the service, and do consider purchasing one.
Bible Reading Resources
There are a lot of resources available online to help with Bible reading. A few of them are here, in case they are helpful for you.
Home Communion
If you’re not able to join us on Sundays, and would appreciate a visit with Holy Communion, please be in touch with Chris.
We’re currently using self-signup for the various rotas: blank rotas will be pinned up at the back of St Andrew. If you are one of our regular welcomers, readers, pray-ers, communion assistants, or refreshment helpers, please do sign up where you are able to.
Rotas for services through to October are now available.
If you don’t already help, and this would be something you would like to do, please talk to Chris.
Wednesday Morning prayer
You would be very welcome to join us for a short service of Morning Prayer in St Andrew at 10:00am on Wednesday morning.
Vicar’s Sabbatical
After consultation with the PCC and the Diocese, Chris will be on Extended Study Leave (often referred to as a sabbatical) from 1st July to 30th September.
Coffee Shop
Our weekly Coffee Shop will be taking place this Wednesday from 10:30 in St Andrew, Cuffley, you are very welcome to join us.