Virtual Coffee Shop
This Wednesday, at 10:30, we'll be having our regular Virtual Coffee Shop, if you can join us for that, it would be great to see you.
I hope that these emails and prayers are useful, and that you are able to spend a few minutes at noon each day, as we pray together as a church family. Please do keep sending your prayer suggestions to me, so that we can make sure we are praying around the needs, burdens and encouragements of our whole church family.
“If your hand causes you to stumble, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life maimed than with two hands to go into hell, where the fire never goes out.” (Mark 9:43, NIV)
As we read Mark's Gospel, we are asked to consider three questions: Who is Jesus? Why did he come? What does it mean to follow him? In the passage we are looking at this week, Jesus presents us with the choice between life and death - not just now, but for eternity. Following Jesus can be hard at times: there will be many things that we want to do that God says we shouldn't be doing. We should, instead, be so focused on walking in Jesus path, that we will get rid of anything that would distracts us, or cause us to lose our step. It might seem painful, or uncomfortable, at the time, but our trials and our devotion to God will lead to our growth in holiness. I hope that you'll be able to join us at 8:30, at 10:30, or online (details below), as we look at this together.
Virtual Coffee Shop
This Wednesday, at 10:30, we'll be having our regular Virtual Coffee Shop, if you can join us for that, it would be great to see you.
I hope that these emails and prayers are useful, and that you are able to spend a few minutes at noon each day, as we pray together as a church family. Please do keep sending your prayer suggestions to me, so that we can make sure we are praying around the needs, burdens and encouragements of our whole church family.