Virtual Coffee Shop
It was great to see many of you after the service over a virtual coffee together. This Wednesday, at 10:30, we're going to run a Virtual Coffee Shop, if you can join us for that, it would be great to see you. If you'd like to join us and aren't already using Zoom, you will need to install it on a computer or other device in advance:
We'll start at 10:30, just click the link below around that time, and follow the prompts. At the moment, we're currently limited to a 40 minute maximum time.
If you'd like to be part of the meeting, please email me for details of how to join.
1 Peter
Just a reminder that, starting on the 10th May,, we'll be looking at Peter's first letter in our Sunday morning services. To help us, I wondered about sending out a copy of 1 Peter to everyone who would like one: we'd all then be looking at the same translation on the same pages. The copies I plan to provide have each page of text opposite a lined page for noting any thoughts, responses etc. If you'd like one, do be in touch with me (07446 516945/01707 699030,