Knowing the Gospel
What is the basic purpose of any church? As part of our mission plan, we put it like this:
The Parish of Northaw and Cuffley exists to glorify God, to grow disciples, and to share the good news of the gospel in word and action.
Over the next four weeks we're going to be picking this up in four titles: Knowing the Gospel, Growing in the Gospel, Showing the Gospel, and Going with the Gospel. As we do so, we'll be looking through Paul's second letter to Timothy.
He has saved us and called us to a holy life – not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time, but it has now been revealed through the appearing of our Saviour, Christ Jesus, who has destroyed death and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel. (2 Timothy 1:9-10)
This Sunday, we start at the very beginning: what is 'the Gospel'? What is that we can know? What does it mean for us?
You would be very welcome to join us at our 10:30am morning worship, with baptism, in St Andrew, Cuffley, or at 8:30am for a service of Holy Communion in St Thomas, Northaw, this Sunday, as we look together at Knowing the Gospel.
The 10:30am Sunday morning service will be taking place simultaneously online and in-person at St Andrew. Streaming for the 10:30am service will start at 10:25am, and can be accessed directly via Facebook or YouTube, found on our website, and is advertised on our Facebook page and YouTube channel.
If you encounter problems with viewing the service via Facebook (or YouTube) please follow the link for YouTube (or Facebook) instead.
Children’s Church
Our Children’s Church term continues this Sunday. All babies and children (and their grown-ups, if they are not old enough or comfortable enough to stay alone) are welcome to join us in the Undercroft any time after 10.20. Pre-registration is very helpful where possible, so that we can get details and explain any COVID requirements in advance; please contact Anna in order to do this (
Harvest Food Donations
Our harvest service will be on Sunday 3rd October and we will be collecting for Broxbourne Foodbank. Details of what they currently need are on our website, and the foodbank’s.
Harvest Plants
As in previous years, we’d like to be able to give plants out to the recently bereaved and housebound. Any donations of pot plants, and volunteers to help deliver, would be greatly appreciated.
Church Family Fellowship
After the Sunday service, we’ll have coffee together in person and via Zoom (details on the website); if you’d like to be part of the online meeting, please email me.
Coffee Shop
Our weekly in person Coffee Shop will be taking place this Wednesday (29th September) from 10:30 to 12:30 in St Andrew, Cuffley, all are very welcome to join us.
Praying during the week
Please can I encourage you, when possible, to stop at noon and spend a few minutes praying; we’ll email out possible areas for prayer each week. If you would like to make any suggestions, please email
Coronavirus arrangements
There is no longer any requirement to sit in household groups or bubbles, and so you are welcome to sit in larger groups. Please be considerate that there might those who want to maintain some social distancing. The chairs at the back of St Andrew’s will be arranged ‘socially distanced’ for the time being.
Face coverings
Face coverings are no longer mandatory in our buildings. You may choose to wear one if you would like for some, or all, of your time. You may, for example, wish to wear a covering while moving around the building or singing.
We are singing again in St Andrew, however there is no requirement for anyone to sing, if they would rather not.
How to join us live
The website has the information on how to join our live services and virtual coffee. Do feel free to share the links to our services with friends and relatives; everyone is very welcome to join us, no matter where they are in the world.