unsplash-logoNathan Dumlao

Virtual Coffee Shop

It was great to see many of you after the service over a virtual coffee together. This Wednesday, at 10:30, we're going to run a Virtual Coffee Shop, if you can join us for that, it would be great to see you. If you'd like to join us and aren't already using Zoom, you will need to install it on a computer or other device in advance:

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unsplash-logoCassidy Kelley

“They asked each other, ‘Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?’” Luke 24:32 (NIV)

Sunday Service

I hope that you’ll be able to join our service at 10:30am this morning. As in previous weeks, we’ll be using Facebook (brief instructions at the bottom of this post).

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unsplash-logoPatrick Fore

I hope that these emails and prayers are useful, and that you are able to spend a few minutes at noon each day, as we pray together as a church family. Please do keep sending your prayer suggestions to me, so that we can make sure we are praying around the needs, burdens and encouragements of our whole church family.

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unsplash-logoPatrick Fore

I hope that these emails and prayers are useful, and that you are able to spend a few minutes at noon each day, as we pray together as a church family. Please do keep sending your prayer suggestions to me, so that we can make sure we are praying around the needs, burdens and encouragements of our whole church family.

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unsplash-logoJametlene Reskp

“On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said, ‘Peace be with you!’” John 20:19 (NIV)

Sunday Service

I hope that you’ll be able to join our service at 10:30am this morning. As in previous weeks, we’ll be using Facebook (brief instructions at the bottom of this post).

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