unsplash-logoNathan Dumlao

Virtual Coffee Shop

It was great to see many of you after the service over a virtual coffee together.  This Wednesday, at 10:30, we'll be having our regular Virtual Coffee Shop, if you can join us for that, it would be great to see you. 

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unsplash-logoPatrick Fore

I hope that these emails and prayers are useful, and that you are able to spend a few minutes at noon each day, as we pray together as a church family. Please do keep sending your prayer suggestions to me, so that we can make sure we are praying around the needs, burdens and encouragements of our whole church family. One of the prayers this week has been written by one of the children in the church family.

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unsplash-logoTim Marshall

“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” 1 Peter 2:9 (NIV)

As we enter the third month of lockdown, these words from 1 Peter will, I hope, encourage us that we are God’s people. No matter how we are feeling, Christians have been chosen by God to be his special people. No matter where we are, or how we might be feeling about ourselves, God describes his people as chosen, holy and special. I hope you will be able to join us on Sunday as we look at this part of Peter’s first letter together.

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unsplash-logoPablo Heimplatz

“‘Men of Galilee,’ they said, ‘why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.’” Acts 1:11 (NIV)

The first words heard after Jesus’ ascension was that he will come back again. You would be very welcome to join us for our Ascension Day service live at 6am on 21st May, the recording will be available shortly afterwards both on Facebook, and via SoundCloud.

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unsplash-logoNathan Dumlao

Virtual Coffee Shop

It was great to see many of you after the service over a virtual coffee together.  This Wednesday, at 10:30, we’re going to run a Virtual Coffee Shop, if you can join us for that, it would be great to see you. 

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